A Mighty Man of God

Joseph is one of the greatest heroes of the Old Testament. What separated him from others was his absolute trust in God, regardless of what happened to him. 

He is a shining example of what can happen when a person surrenders to God and obeys completely. Joseph trusted God no matter how bad his situation got. During his many setbacks, he learnt humility and wisdom and was a hard worker, even while a slave.

He was a skilled, conscientious administrator who saved not only his own people but all of Egypt from starvation. He understood the principle of forgiveness and forgave his family members who had done terrible things to him. These qualities of Joseph were rooted and grounded in his faith and confidence in Jehovah God.

Friends, God will always give us the strength to endure our painful circumstances. And like Joseph, we must learn to trust Him regardless of our circumstances. We must be confident of His presence. Hebrews 13:5 instructs us to “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ 

God’s presence was with Joseph in Potiphar’s house – Genesis 39:2, bringing much success to his master. Joseph even found favour in prison (though he was wrongfully incarcerated) – Genesis 39:23. Whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper. When we are confident that God is with us, we move by faith and move God to help us succeed. 

Some characteristics of a mighty man of God include:

1. Principled – Joseph had character and integrity. He was honest. He was tempted multiple times, and he resisted.

2. Humble – the power and prestige of his position working for Pharaoh never changed him.

3. Disciplined – Joseph had the proper long-term perspective, even while in jail for a crime he didn’t commit.

4. Faithfulness – while in jail and throughout all of the turmoil, Joseph remained faithful to God and never wavered from his commitment to follow Him.

5. Grace – Joseph showed grace and mercy to his brothers, even though they had sold him into slavery.

6. Competence – he did his job with excellence. Whether as a servant, the interpreter of Pharaoh’s dream, or the manager of the family’s flock of sheep.

7. Wisdom – Joseph was wise beyond his years. He was thirty years old when he began preparing Egypt for the famine and demonstrated a seasoned perspective with decision after decision.

8. Strategic – Joseph was a planner. He instructed the officials to prepare for a famine, even though it was years away, gathering up food to store up during the seven years of “plenty.”

By ourselves, we can do nothing according to John 5:30, we need the help of the Holy Spirit at all times and in all situations.


Heavenly Father, I bless Your name. You alone are worthy to receive honour and glory and praise. I thank You that You are a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God. Today I pray that, like Joseph, my life will be a living testament to Your presence. 

As I walk through each day, confident that You are with me, let my life radiate Your love, grace, and mercy to those around me and to those I encounter. I pray that You will be seen in me by my words, thoughts, and deeds, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Read: Proverbs 5:23; 1 Kings 3:28

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 78: 32-39; Acts 18:9-28; Acts 19:1-13; I Kings 20; I Kings 21

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